Saturday, April 30, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

Pictures from Philly

Here are some pictures taken by this kid.  I think this is taken the night she was coming home and she looks tired. 


One of my favorite pictures she took. 


She has a thing for the Washington Monument.  Most of her pictures are either of it or from it.  I really liked the one below.  It was raining and you can see the press getting ready for President Obama.


Love this monument.  I never realized how bit it is until you see Anna standing next to it.  And if you look off to the left in the back ground.  There is the Washington Monument again.  When Megan saw this picture she started laughing.


You can tell by the gray color that it rained most of the time they were there.


I thrust the camera in her hand and gave her a 5 min lesson on how to use it.  I am very impressed with her pictures.


She was taking pictures inside a church.  She came to a sign that said "no pictures beyond this point."  So she stoop by the sign and took some pics.  The guard told her she wasn't allowed to take any pics.  She said, but I am on THIS side of the sign.  He just stared at her and she said she put her head down and looked at the ground and said "OK".  She is to funny.


It turns out she has a thing for buildings.  She has a ton of pictures of random buildings that she took because she like them.  There are some really good ones.  Maybe she will be the photographer in the family.

A Couple of Easter Pics

Here are a couple pics from Easter.  It was cold, cold and cold that day.  I think we even had some snow.  Someone forgot to let Eastern Oregon know that it is spring and it is ok to have some sunshine.  I woke up to snow on the ground this morning.

Here is Jason getting ready for the big church egg hunt.  One little guy didn't get out of the church fast enough to get any eggs.  So Jason decided to give up some of his candy.  What a good kid.

I may need to take this picture back to editing.  His face is a funny color, or maybe it is all the candy he has eaten.

Megan and Anthony are too old for the hunt, so here they are plotting out how they are going to get the little kids to give them some candy.  It didn't work.  It seems little kids are very protective of their candy.


I normally get a lot of Easter Pictures but this year it was to cold.  The wind and rain picked up right as the hunt started.  It rained hard most of the day so we never got to do an egg hunt in our own back yard.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Holy Week

This week is always very busy for us.  Since we moved here I have always worked for the youth group and the church this week.  Wednesday we start with Seder Meal prep.  The Seder Meal is really a Jewish tradition but our church does a really nice version of of it.  The youth group puts this on for the church.

Thursday night (tonight) is the actual meal then we follow it with our Holy Thursday mass.  We start at 4:30pm and usually don't finish up until after 11pm.  This year was different.  We had lots of adult help this year and it really made a difference.  We were finished and cleaned up by 9:15pm.  It was wonderful.

Our church kicks off Holy Week with the living stations of the cross.  I, of course, was on hand to take pictures.  Anthony was my co-photographer for the event.

Here are the pictures.  Jason decided to sit this year out.  He wanted to just sit back and watch.


I just love this old church.


Look at the guards.  Gotta love her. 


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spring Soccer is Here

Fall soccer is finally here.  We were not sure how this season was going to play out.  Megan made the switch to a different team and she is back to having a great time.  This team has welcomed her like she was their long lost sister.  It is very difficult making changes, especially when you are 13.

Every Saturday we make the drive to another town (the closest one is 45min away) and they play two games.  This is very different the Fall and Summer soccer.  Fall we play in another cities rec. league and summer is our towns rec league.  Spring is generally made up of girls who really want to play, and are headed for the high school teams.  These teams are tough.  We will end our season in Yakima Washington at Yak Attack.  I am looking forward to it and I plan to beat my picture taking record.  I still haven't gone through the 340 pictures from last year.

The first game:

Megan is playing forward and she scored 3 of the 4 goals.  The final score was 4-0.




Second game didn't go as well. This team is a really tough team and a big rival of Megans. They beat them last year but lost this year 0-3. Here she is as goalie.






She came home with a bruise the shape of the soccer ball on her leg, but this kid is tough.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Message to my Dad

I asked him over the summer if he could just go ahead and put three hard drives in my computer.

He said, I couldn't fill up that much space.

He was wrong.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Extreme Basketball

This is what happens when you have about an hour of sun light.  A quick game of extreme basketball.

Look at my baby, he made this shot.
Gotta love the look on Anthony's face. 

Below is what happens when Steve gets involved in the game.  Please excuse my oldest and his lack of clothing sense.  Ummmm, Anthony, can you please pull up your pants. 





Steve made the shot.
The child needs a hair cut.

Wild Turkey

I forgot to post a picture of the wild turkey.  Here he is all puffed up and talking to Steve.
It's the best of the pictures.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Fun Day

I tried and tried for a new header picture, but it just didn't work out.  It may be spring but no one has let mother nature know. Everything was very drab and dull.  So I just pulled a picture from the past.  I wish our trees had blooms.

So instead I took pictures of wild turkeys.  They didn't come out.  Not because of camera settings but because I was laughing to hard. The male turkeys get all puffy feathers(scientific term) when the females are around.  Well, they were puffy feathers when we started to take pictures but stopped.  Steve then decided to cackle like a turkey.  And the stupid things cackled back and got all puffy.  It was the funnest thing.  I wish I had it on video.

Steve wanted to me to take pictures of the llamas or mamas and Jason used to say.

They were grazing in the pasture when we pulled up and only two stopped to watch me.  That was until I started to talk to them.  Then they all started walking toward me.  I asked Steve, "Do llamas attack."  No, but they do spit, so I only got so close.

Some like to pose.  This one cracked me up.  He clearly wanted his picture taken.

He even smiled for me.


Show me your smile.


It was just good to get out today and get some fresh air.  I hope the sunshine stays around for a couple of days.


There hasn't been any.  Except for a couple of days ago.  I grabbed my camera and off to the park to get some pics.  Camera wasn't set to the right settings and all my pictures came out way over exposed.  Made me mad so I just deleted them.

Any way the point to all of this, I still haven't changed my header and it is really starting to bug me.  While there isn't much sun today and it is a very very cold wind, I am going to give it yet another try.

Until then, here is a picture of my favorite daughter at my favorite place.  She is sitting on a rock that I spent so many summers as a kid playing on.  Behind it is a little cave were we hid as kids and waited until someone would go into the bathroom right below.  Then we would through rocks on the roof.  Back in the days when our parents had no idea where we were or what we were up to.  Good Times. 


Saturday, April 02, 2011

New Header

I am not going to rest today until I have a new picture for my header.  I am tired of looking at the snow.

Friday, April 01, 2011

The School Week is Over

It is for the kid I am homeschooling.  It's our first week back from Spring break and it was a hard long week.  One of the advantages to homeschooling is you can set your own schedule.  Since I have two kids in the public schools, I fit Jasons schedule to theirs.  Which is nice, it keeps me on track.  But sometimes it can be a pain. 

About a month ago we had a week where everyone was sick.  I just decided it would be easier if Jason had the week off.   Then there was the week that best friend Joey moved.  The boys made a very heart wrenching plea for Jason to have that week off.  I caved. 

If you have read some of my previous post's you would know how I feel about schedules.  They rule my life.  For those of you keeping track:  If I want to finish Jason's school year at the same time the older two finish, I am two weeks behind. 

I gave Jason the choice.  Give up Spring break and work one week into summer vacation or give up our Fridays off for the rest of the year.  He choose the Friday option.  I told him that if we work really hard, we will be completely caught up by mid May.  He choose to work even harder and got an amazing amount of work done this week.  At this rate we will be caught up by the end of April.  Plus, he told me he would choose to pay attention as well.  What a deal!!!!

I also received a note home from his extra reading teacher.  He has jumped up yet another reading level.  She is hoping we have him at grade level by the end of this year.  I can't tell you how happy we are with that news. 

There is lots going on here and I will post more later.  I am off to the park and enjoy the sun while it lasts.