Sunday, March 30, 2014

Soccer, Soccer, Soccer

Sometimes that's what if feels like.  We just do soccer all the time.

This isn't going to be be an all about Megan and soccer blog, but right now that is what this family is doing.  We are traveling 3 - 4 times a week 2 + hours one way so that Megan can play.

They're first game they won of course.

Megan is loving the positive support on the team, and the different coaching style.

This league she is in is more competitive. More opportunity for Megan to grow and develop her skills.

There are two goalies on this team.  So the girls split the time in goal and Megan spends the rest of the time in different positions.

They played her as a forward and a mid.

At one point she told her coach, "I have never played that spot before."  He just said, "You'll be fine."  He was right.

She came off the field with a smile, happy and tired.  Something we haven't seen in a while.

So....if you ask me if it's worth all the travel time.  I would have to say yes. 

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